FreeWheel 2017 校园招聘 | |
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tanlizhen 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2016/10/9 9:32:27 编 辑 |
FreeWheel 2017 校园招聘 亲爱的同学们, FreeWheel 2017年校招正式开启啦,详情如下: 面向人群:2017年计算机/软件/电子相关专业的应届毕业同学 招聘职位:Software Engineer, Service Engineer 招聘流程:网申→简历评估→笔试→面试→发放录用意向书 内推→简历完善→笔试→面试→发放录用意向书 官网投递: 宣讲会行程安排 宣讲学校 宣讲日期 宣讲场地 时间 北京大学 10月9日 英杰交流中心月光厅 19:00 清华大学 10月10日 就业中心信息发布厅-【天一厅】 18:30 中国科学院大学 10月12日 S204 18:30 北京邮电大学 10月13日 教四401 18:30 招聘职位: 软件工程师 (Software Engineer) FreeWheel北京研发中心是FreeWheel在全球的第一个研发中心,也是最重要的产品技术中心。 研发团队与产品、运维等团队紧密合作,负责世界上最大的视频广告平台的设计、开发、测试和维护工作,帮助美国和欧洲主流电视媒体运营每年数百亿美元的广告业务,在数字时代更好地挖掘其视频内容的商业价值。 公司的主要产品为MRM (Monetization Rights Management)系统。这是一个广告投放和管理平台,具有典型的互联网技术要素。它包含了基于Web前沿技术的前端管理模块、高性能高并发高可靠性的实时广告投放模块、基于流处理和Hadoop平台的数据和商业智能分析模块,以及基于机器学习和数据挖掘等大数据技术的预测模块等相关功能。加入FreeWheel,你将有机会深入了解广告行业的方方面面,并亲自参与视频广告相关技术的前沿探索,更将参与到从需求分析、技术选型设计、代码开发、测试、缺陷跟踪定位以及交付的全流程中。 职位要求 具备良好的团队协作意识,主动思考,自我驱动,热爱学习,能够在压力下高效工作,以结果和行动为准则,努力追求成功; 具有良好的数据结构和算法基础; 具有扎实的软件工程知识,包括设计、开发和测试的相关流程等; 具有优秀的英文沟通能力,能应对英文的工作环境; 具有数据库相关基础,熟悉SQL编程; 掌握面向对象的设计与开发; 熟练掌握一种以上主流开发语言(C/C++/Java/Ruby/Python/Go)或前端开发技术(Web开发框架及HTML/javascript/CSS等); 在此基础上,符合以下条件者优先: 具有分布式系统、网络编程经验者优先; 具有机器学习相关经验者优先; 具有Hadoop/Hbase/Hive/Storm/Spark等相关经验者优先; 能熟练使用Linux/Unix者优先; 本科及以上学历,计算机、软件、电子及相关专业优先。 Service Engineer We seek a passionate and highly motivated Service Engineer to help our clients understand, use, and troubleshoot our market-changing technologies. Our customers integrate our technology with a wide variety of other systems – this includes ad serving systems, financial systems, content management systems and reporting databases – resulting in what can be a complex technical ecosystem. As the front line of client interaction, this position is also tasked with developing and sharing best practices across FreeWheel, helping to define product improvements, training customers, assisting with various documentation needs, customer support systems and process – all geared at aiding client adoption and better use of FreeWheel’s products. Technical Support at FreeWheel is not just about resetting logins. Our flagship product, MRM, allows a complex set of business rules to be set in place in order to smoothly automate sales rights decision, ad selection and delivery and advanced reporting. Our latest product, RPM, allows a highly complex set of business rules to be set in place in order to smoothly automate media sales and invoice processes. This means helping our clients understand why certain behaviors are occurring and can involve a variety of different types of investigations, forcing you to understand both business and technical considerations. For the right candidate, this position will allow for tremendous growth opportunities as FreeWheel continues to scale as the lead player in helping enterprise companies run their businesses from pitch to pay. This position will report directly to the Senior Manager of Service Engineering and the position is based in Beijing. Job Description You have solid communication skills – this position requires significant amount of client interaction. You think creatively and solve problems actively. This is not a position where solutions will be spoon fed to the team. You have solid data analysis and technical troubleshooting skills. You can balance multiple requests/issues without getting overwhelmed and prioritize accordingly. Need to take On Call duty during weekends from time to time. You are educated in CS/EE/related technical fields, must have programming experience and are willing to build and maintain debug tools, must be familiar with at least one of the following programming languages: javascript, Python, Java, Ruby and etc. Fresh graduate is a plus; working experience must be less than 2 years. Internet technology background, technical support experience is a plus. Experience using Zendesk, JIRA or other support system is a plus. In addition, we highly value individuals who are: Super smart and excited about learning……but are ego-free and know when to seek guidance or input. Self-motivated, comfortable working independently, and at home in a startup. Optimistic with a strong sense of humor. Genuinely intrigued by the opportunity to help reshape television as we know it. 更多FreeWheel的信息请关注:          FreeWheel官方微信:FreeWheelChina  FreeWheel官方网址 FreeWheel业务视频介绍:          FreeWheel员工访谈:           Comcast业务简介:   FreeWheel视频行业发展趋势报告: FreeWheel专访: 关于FreeWheel:    Freewheel创建于2007年,是美国最大的综合性传媒集团康卡斯特(Comcast)的全资子公司,全球员工约500人。公司总部位于硅谷,在纽约、伦敦和北京分别设有办公室。其中北京办公室作为全球研发中心,负责公司全部核心产品的开发。 基于精准的商业模式和产品定位,并借助高效的技术研发和运营,Freewheel已成长为美国视频行业领先的媒体运营平台,助力大型媒体公司在数字时代最大化挖掘其内容的广告价值。目前90%美国主流电视媒体和运营商使用我们的广告平台。2015年,我们服务的视频播放超过1600亿次。 2014年3月,Freewheel宣布被康卡斯特(Comcast)媒体集团收购。 作为第三方的广告技术平台,Freewheel通过了业内最严格的权威认证—— •    美国互动广告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau) : IAB •    媒介视听率评级委员会 (Media Rating Council): MRC •    美国注册会计师协会 (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) : SAS70/SOC1 此外,我们还是 NBCU2012 年伦敦奥运会、2014 索契冬奥会和 ESPN 2010/2014 年 FIFA 世界杯视频直播的广告服务提供商。 |
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