【实习】通用电气招聘Internal Audit Intern | |
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GE 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2015/7/3 9:55:57 编 辑 |
关于GE GE,想到,做到。 GE专注于世界至关重要的需求,以卓越人才和领先技术,致力解决最具挑战的议题,提供包括能源、医疗、照明、航空、交通运输和金融等广泛领域的解决方案,我们构建、驱动、载运、医治,创想为本,行重于言。 只为一个共同的愿景:一个更美好的世界。GE开创了连通现实生活和数字世界的新渠道。在我们的研发中心、我们的制造工厂、我们的客户面前,GE时刻致力于引领全新的工业时代 —— 一个能让这个世界更有活力、更有创造力、更健康的时代。 关于GE Healthcare 让更多人能够享有更健康的生活、享有更高质量、更经济可行的医疗卫生服务始终是GE医疗始终努力的方向。为此,我们从未停止探索和创新。而GE医疗中国的优秀团队就是实现这个崇高目标的重要推动力之一。 GE医疗集团通过提供革新性的医疗技术和服务,开创医疗护理的新时代。我们在医学成像、信息技术、医疗诊断、患者监护系统、药物研发、生物制药技术、卓越运营和整体运营解决方案等领域拥有广泛的专业技术,能够帮助客户以更低的成本为全世界更多的人提供更优质的服务。此外,我们还和医疗行业领袖一道,正努力通过全球政策,打造成功的、可持续的医疗体系。 工作职责: The audit will be mainly on commercial process and related audit projects: 1 Perform quarterly commercial process audit, including tender, contract, deal change, POD and ledger. 2 Performed POD reviews during quarterly closing. 3 Performed Schedule II action plan audit. 4 Coordinate with compliance team and support key investigations 岗位要求: 1. Major in Accounting, Finance, or Business Administration. 2. 4 days a week, 1 year available 3. Strong communication skills, able to communicate in English. 4. Quick learning Preferred Qualifications: 1. Strong analytic skills: able to clearly link operational behaviors to business risks, generate alternatives and drive positive change 2. Clear thinking / problem solving: successfully led cross-functional projects/process improvement within sales operation, OTR, finance function; able to quickly grasp new ideas 3. Ability to take initiatives: take initiatives to improve current process/policy when have findings in audit. Related ability to drive change is necessary. 4. Confidence / Assertiveness: possess influencing skills; confidence to deliver difficult messages and defend position 5. Integrity: Accepting and adhering to high moral, ethical, and personal values in decisions, communications, actions, and when dealing with others 6. Some commercial process knowledge /experience valuable/useful… including knowledge of bidding, contracting or logistics. 要求会计金融或财管审计等专业,需耐心,英语要好; 要求能够持续实习6个月及以上且每周保证4天及以上。 Location:上海浦东张江高科技园区华佗路1号, 多个地铁站均有公司班车。 补贴:本科生110/day,研究生130/day 如果,你想积累实习经验,五百强顶级公司等你来投!如果你想开拓眼界,为以后职业规划打好基础,在这里你可以接触最顶级的职场人士,最优秀的工程师,以及最nice的员工 感兴趣简历请以尽快以“姓名-IA-每周实习天数-可以实习月数-最快上岗时间”标题形式投Vivian.Yu@ge.com |
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