【实习】GE应届生招聘 - Commercial Operation Specialist | |
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GE 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2016/7/5 19:31:24 编 辑 |
关于GE GE,想到,做到。 GE专注于世界至关重要的需求,以卓越人才和领先技术,致力解决最具挑战的议题,提供包括能源、医疗、照明、航空、交通运输和金融等广泛领域的解决方案,我们构建、驱动、载运、医治,创想为本,行重于言。 只为一个共同的愿景:一个更美好的世界。GE开创了连通现实生活和数字世界的新渠道。在我们的研发中心、我们的制造工厂、我们的客户面前,GE时刻致力于引领全新的工业时代——一个能让这个世界更有活力、更有创造力、更健康的时代。 Description: Provide first level support to sales function. Responsible for analyzing sales market data and administering sales VC plans. Conduct trainings to sales teams. Coordinate regional compliance board meetings. Responsible for regional NPS actions, Coordinate all customer issues across functions like service, OTR. Support sales operation leader in SFE & other activities related to drive growth by setting up effective processes to collect & analyze data. Key responsibilities * Set up and update sales operation processes and policies. * Set up or customize e-platform to meet business requirements. * Drive order/sales forecast and execution. * Build up processes & database to generate management reports. * Coordinate cross-function teams to resolve customer issues & complaints. * Assist account application and coordinate account attribute related issue resolution. * Support tender process, and issue tender documents as needed. * Monitor pricing policy carrying out. * Build up scorecards for sales and dealer measurement. * Conduct operation related trainings to sales team. * Compile sales handbook. Quality Specific Goals: * Knowledge and understanding of all Global Privacy and Anti-Competition Policies (including but not limited to GE Healthcare HIPPA Guidelines, NEMA Regulations, etc.) and operates within them to ensure that no company policy or US / Int’l Law is broken * Knowledge and understanding of all Environmental Health Policies (including but not limited to GE Healthcare EHS Policies, GE Healthcare Fleet Rules, etc.) and operate within them to ensure that no company policy or US / Int’l Law is broken * Aware of and comply with the GEHC Quality Manual, Quality Management System, Quality Management Policy, Quality Goals, and applicable laws and regulations as they apply to this job type/position * Complete all planned Quality & Compliance training within the defined deadlines * Identify and report any quality or compliance concerns and take immediate corrective action as required * Drive continuous improvement on all related processes, work instructions, and procedures to ensure ongoing standardization and simplification of the Quality Management System Required Qualifications: * Bachelor degree of 2016 graduate, majored in International Trade, Marketing, Accounting, Finance or Statistics; * Excellent communication skill; ability to interact effectively with people from different functions; * Proficient at Microsoft Office software such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc.; * Detail oriented, committed to deliver the results; * Ability to manage multiple priorities and deliver on tight timelines; * Fluent spoken and written English. Preferred Qualifications: * Sales operation experience in multi-national company is preferred; * Dealer management background is a plus. Location:上海,北京 实习时间:一周至少3天,6个月以上 实习补贴:本科110/天,研究生130/day 如果,你想积累实习经验,五百强顶级公司等你来投!如果你想开拓眼界,为以后职业规划打好基础,在这里你可以接触最顶级的职场人士,最优秀的工程师,以及最nice的员工 感兴趣简历请尽快以“姓名- Commercial Operation Specialist -每周实习天数-可以实习几个月-最快上岗时间”标题形式尽快发送至yanan.guo@ge.com |
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