[戴姆勒/梅赛德斯`奔驰]销售管理部门招聘实习生 | |
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shuimiao 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2016/9/6 21:44:05 编 辑 |
要求: 1. 本科或硕士在读,有经管类背景(统计、会计、财务管理、工商管理、经济、金融专业等) 2. 时间尽量要有保证,6个月,每周五天(9am-6pm,中午休息1小时),有事可以请短假 3. 良好的英文阅读和书写能力,可以进行简单英文对话 4. 熟练使用MS办公软件,尤其是Excel,细心认真,可以尽快入职 待遇福利: 1. 全勤工资3000元/月(税前) 2. 良好的办公环境,咖啡茶水饮料享受公司日常福利,每天有两种优质水果,每周不重样 3. 公司有很多外国同事,team 的大老板是德国人,同事都很nice 4. 早晚有多趟班车在芍药居,望京西地铁站和公司之间往返接送 5. 实习表现优秀的同学可获得戴姆勒实习认证,有出国意向的同学不要错过 工作内容: 1. 协助完成部门的销售周报和销售月报 2. 协助分析对比不同销售数据的差异 3. 收发周报和月报邮件 4. 对其他有销售数据需要的部门提供工作支持 5. 辅助日常行政性事务和临时任务申请要求 公司地址:北京市朝阳区望京街8号戴姆勒大厦A座 有意的同学请将中文或者英文简历按“姓名-学校-专业-年级”命名,发送到 shuyu.yao@dailmler.com Qualification and requirement: 1. Under-graduate or post-graduate student in Beijing 2. Good English skills in reading, writing, speaking and CN-EN 3. Excellent communication skills internally and externally 4. Good at Excel, Outlook and other basic office software 5. Strong sense and responsibility to work under pressure 6. Fast learning. Good understanding of working tasks and good time management skills 7. 5 days per week, 6 months, starting ASAP Assignments: 1. Use the advanced functions of Excel such as VLOOKUP, IFERROR and Pivot Table to process sales data 2. Analyze the reasons of differences between sales data and inventory data 3. Write weekly and monthly sales reports 4. Compare data in two different systems 5. Daily supporting work Salary and welfare: RMB 3000 yuan per month before tax for full-time working days Shuttle bus from subway station to company. Company location: Damler Tower, 8 Wangjing Str. Chaoyang District, Beijing。 Plesae send your CV and email as "name-university-major-grade" to shuyu.yao@dailmler.com |
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