【实习】通用电气招聘 BD Finance Intern | |
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GE 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2015/11/18 17:52:50 编 辑 |
关于GE GE,想到,做到。 GE专注于世界至关重要的需求,以卓越人才和领先技术,致力解决最具挑战的议题,提供包括能源、医疗、照明、航空、交通运输和金融等广泛领域的解决方案,我们构建、驱动、载运、医治,创想为本,行重于言。 只为一个共同的愿景:一个更美好的世界。GE开创了连通现实生活和数字世界的新渠道。在我们的研发中心、我们的制造工厂、我们的客户面前,GE时刻致力于引领全新的工业时代 —— 一个能让这个世界更有活力、更有创造力、更健康的时代。 The magnitude of a Business Development intern's job The work is fast-paced, demanding and intellectually stimulating, but meanwhile a good exposure. Strategy is based on marketing data you analyze, and the success relies entirely on the integrity of the underlying analysis. That's why we ask much more of you than simply running numbers. You need to be able to deconstruct and reconstruct the numbers and understand how they all fit together. What we look for We look for candidates with excellent quantitative, analytical and communication skills. You must have the ability to work well under pressure and tight deadlines, and have the aptitude to synthesize large amounts of information and to develop innovative solutions. You should also be adaptable, able to manage projects independently and be ready to assume a high level of responsibility as a member of a team. A well-rounded academic background with coursework in finance or economics is recommended. Candidates must demonstrate academic strength, strong teamwork, communication skills, and a high energy level. Responsibilities: - Desktop market research & profile building on potential targets, including but not limited to targets ownership structure, financials, business model, operations, and more - Desktop research thru database and investment analyst reports on specific industries - Conduct preliminary vertical market research & analysis - Facilitate preliminary Due Diligence effort, such as desktop compliances info collection, litigation info collection, financial info collection, labor and other related information, etc. - Translation of business documents both way (Chinese/English); - PPT making with instructions from BD managers/leaders Requirement: - A responsible and self-disciplined individual with great working attitude - High energy level, mature and results oriented - Excellent communication skills and problem solving skills - Be able to work independently with timely delivery of the project - Able to collect information based on provided template & guidance - Able to conduct basic market research according to project needs - English proficient is a must - Proficient in Excel and PowerPoint - Students with finance or business degree is preferred - Good accounting/FIN knowledge is preferred but not a must - Prefer to work 4-5 days a week with minimal 3 days a week for at least 6 months 要求金融专业(或者财经,经济学等)或者商学院的学生(研一或者研二); 文字功底和英文较优秀,第二专业是工科最佳。 工作地点:北京市朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心南楼写字楼18层 要求一周至少3-4天,至少实习6个月, 补贴:研究生130/day 如果,你想积累实习经验,五百强顶级公司等你来投!如果你想开拓眼界,为以后职业规划打好基础,在这里你可以接触最顶级的职场人士,最优秀的工程师,以及最nice的员工。 感兴趣简历请以尽快以“姓名- BD Finance每周实习天数-可以实习月数-最快上岗时间”标题形式投Vivian.Yu@ge.com |
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