【实习】通用电气招聘 HR-Training Intern | |
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GE 等级 ★ 0 楼 发表于 2015/9/16 20:39:54 编 辑 |
【实习】通用电气招聘 HR-Training Intern 关于GE GE,想到,做到。 GE专注于世界至关重要的需求,以卓越人才和领先技术,致力解决最具挑战的议题,提供包括能源、医疗、照明、航空、交通运输和金融等广泛领域的解决方案,我们构建、驱动、载运、医治,创想为本,行重于言。 只为一个共同的愿景:一个更美好的世界。GE开创了连通现实生活和数字世界的新渠道。在我们的研发中心、我们的制造工厂、我们的客户面前,GE时刻致力于引领全新的工业时代 —— 一个能让这个世界更有活力、更有创造力、更健康的时代。 主要职责: - Support training program manager/coordinator, interface with internal and external parties to ensure all program logistics are on track - Secure and manage all program supplies, materials and vendors with expected schedules and budgets - Help analysis and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of program process and make recommendations for improvements and solutions to program manager - Support after-training reports and analysis, providing recommendations for improvement 基本要求: - Strong MS office skills, good PPT maker, familiar with excel - Excellent written and oral communication skills both in Chinese & English - Strong organizational skills with attention to detail - Flexibility with ability to adapt to changing environments and role responsibilities - Preferred qualifications: * Experience use technologies to deliver and support training * Highly organized, able to work independently with minimal direction * Strong passion in pursuing HR related career working hours: 4-5 days/week period: 6 months location: 北京市经济技术开发区永昌北路1号(shuttle bus offered) 如果,你想积累实习经验,五百强顶级公司等你来投!如果你想开拓眼界,为以后职业规划打好基础,在这里你可以接触最顶级的职场人士,最优秀的工程师,以及最nice的员工 感兴趣“中英双语简历”简历请以尽快以“姓名- HR Intern -每周实习天数-可以实习月数-最快上岗时间”标题形式投Vivian.Yu@ge.com |
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